

by Jochem Kossen


Has it been this long without updates?

Things I did

A few things I did in the past few months.

The podcast interview with author Natascha van Weezel on how to keep a soft heart made an impression on me. I have her book, will read it soonish.

Things I’m reading/processing currently



Came to the conclusion that Hugo offers way nicer functionality (RSS, tags, autogenerated listings and so on) than my own static site generator, and that I was rebuilding Hugo myself which seemed pointless.

I’ve reinstated my site using Hugo therefore.

While there I also rearranged the sections, so I broke all URI’s in the process. Sorry.

I did make a custom 404 page which lists an index of all content so visitors will be able to find what they were looking for.


Whoops. The Now content was a bit stale. The past few months have had a few themes:


I’ve started with photography again, doing a course at Centrum voor de Fotografie. Every week a few photographers come together and show eachother their work. Inspiring and fun.

A first new series is Litterland, revolving around the contrast between litter and nature.

I’m currently working on a series around Mastenbroek.

(re)organizing my work

A few moments work seemed to overflow my organisation system. I felt it didn’t scale good enough. Tweaked it, and it now seems to work better. Most important influences still seem to be The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and David Allen’s Getting Things Done.

In 2021 I wrote about Grip op mijn werk in het onderwijs (in dutch) but my system now has quite a few updates. Some day I’ll write it all down again.


While I’d made a C version of a static site generator for this site, a few weeks ago I felt like trying Golang. In two days I had a generator which generates pages in parallel with an included development server. Going to build it out and release the code.

Since I’m back into photography again, I wanted to have a slideshow viewer on this site. Didn’t like the code for existing options (most of them are using quite old code), so wrote my own. Plan is to release it when I feel it’s complete. Current code is used on the Litterland gallery.

Wrist recovery

While my wrist seems to have grown together again and I can do normal things, recovery is not quite done yet. Push-ups still are out of reach, and turning my wrist to the edges of the joints feels quite painful.


Three weeks ago I broke my wrist. It was two days before the holidays started. I was planning on doing a lot of sportive activities, but improbability had other plans. Reshifted focus towards more technical projects and reading.


I’m in the process of rewriting my blog generator in C, learning C in the process.

Bug-ridden code at Codeberg.


Added a description of my webserver setup.


(Dutch) Ik schreef een brief aan mijn achter-achter-achter-achter-achterkleinkind, geïnspireerd door Roman Krznaric.